Unchain RCO Dogs


We are so excited to take on this initiative in our community. Neighboring communities in our state have been incredibly successful with the programs and dogs that once lived on chains are experiencing freedom, joy, and more enriched lives with their families.

These fencing programs will be offered to our low-income families who can’t afford other options. An application will be required and we will take added steps for education and support of responsible pet ownership, bite prevention and basic skills for pets and family.

Six out of ten U.S. households include at least one pet, and one in six Americans lives in poverty. If you do the math, that means there are numerous pets living in poverty as well – pets that, just like their owners, don’t have ready access to important services and supplies. To meet the challenges that poverty creates for pets, we have to adjust our approach to animal welfare to reflect the world as it is. To help animals living in poverty, we have to bring services and information to their front doors and connect with people in a positive way. (BeyondFences.org)

Our initiatives will also provide other important services such as spay/neuter for any dog in the fencing program.

We will be doing community out reach soon to encourage volunteers to join us, local businesses and concerned citizens to sponsor fencing supplies, and help us create a successful program. Stay tuned for more details.

The Average cost of a fence will be about $500 in materials (Supplies List available)